Hi and welcome to my blog. I'm an American living in Sydney and working as a Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Writer. I specialise in helping people 'Reinvent Themselves', having done so myself both personally and professionally several times over.

I'm 48, divorced and having fun dating again (really for the first time).

I am a dedicated Ashtanga yoga practitioner and do a daily TM meditation. I've done lots of personal development and am a Senior Leader for Robbins Research Institute and a Master Neuro Strategist and NLP Practitioner through Steve Linder's, SRI Training. I'm also currently studying a Certificate in Strategic Intervention through the Robbins Madanes Training Institute.

I strive every day to incorporate what I gain on the yoga mat and the meditation cushion with what I learn from Tony, Steve, Cloe and all of the others within the Robbins and SRI communities with my very full on daily life. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail, but I always learn something. I hope that what I’m learning can help or at least entertain others.

Work Life

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Neuro Strategies - Wow!

I'm sitting at home and really enjoying being here. I haven't spent too much time in my house recently and I really love it. It's quiet and warm and comfy. I have the candles lit and the music on. Life is good!!!

I spent all of last week (Sunday - Saturday) in Steve Linder's Neuro Strategies course. Most of you reading this will know that I've done a lot of Tony Robbins work. I really see Steve as someone who is standing on Tony's shoulders; adding Tony's work to others' (including traditional NLP) and using his brilliant mind to combine it into distinctions which are uniquely his own. Plus, he has a way of "chunking things down" to make them elegantly simple and very accessible.

What did I gain? I feel like the cobwebs are cleared from my mind. My ability to recall things from both short and long term memory has been enhanced. I'm remembering things from my past in vivid detail all of a sudden. Including the weave of people's clothing. It's amazing.

More importantly though I gained a lot of strategies to retrain my own mind, to put more empowering meanings on events from my past and to keep myself at cause in my life instead of at effect.

Most importantly I gained the ability to use these tools to help others make a real difference in their lives. I am confident that I can help anyone at anytime overcome challenges. I can help them create an empowering future for themselves and teach them some tools to live into that empowering future. I can also help people get out of debt, gain better health and wow their friends at cocktail parties by lifting people out of their chairs with just two fingers. :)

And, I gained three certifications that I can now put on my profile: NLP, Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy. Cool stuff.

And I've already been using some of these distinctions. I met with a couple of men I'll be working with to deliver sales training and offered up Steve's "buying strategies" model. They loved it and will incorporate it into a sales round table that we are participating in tomorrow.

I also introduced some of the concepts to the RCSA (the recruitment industry's trade organisation in ANZ) when talking to them about delivering a series of webinars.

I know these tools and strategies will make a huge difference in my life and others and really can't wait to start sharing them.

To that end...if you are in Sydney...I will be holding a training day to go over some of these distinctions on the 8th of August. Location TBD. 10 AM - 5PM. Let me know if you are interested and I'll tailor the content to the majority of the group.

Unfortunately the late hours have played havoc with my yoga practice. But I have gotten back into it slowly over the last couple of days with just standing poses. Tomorrow will be a full self practice before the round table.

Scooty and I have been having a lot of fun. We've been buzzing all over town...including an impromptu, white knuckle trip over the Harbour Bridge (very windy) at 9:00 last night. I think I was driving about 40K's. Luckily there was very little traffic.

Busy week this week again. Lots of potential opportunities...more on that later!


  1. sounds VERY cool!! I have a friend who is "possibly" moving to Sydney...and if she does, i KNOW she would be interested in this...
    will keep you posted! Oh..and i know what you mean about scooting in the wind= scarey stuff!!

  2. Cool, do let me know if she is. Steve is actually an American, though and if she's interested she can do his courses in the US. If so let me know because I'm an affiliate (haven't put it on my website yet due to lack of time). :)
